During the session, you lay on a yoga mat with your eyes closed. Frequency music is played, which will raise the vibrations even further. To receive and feel the energy, surrender of your body and mind is essential. Make the journey in your Merkaba (all that you are) possible by traveling through various layers of your being. Shaman Jeroen will touch or press some of the chakra or meridian points on your body so that your energy starts to flow more.
The process is based on the science and knowledge (shamanism) of vibration, sound, and frequency to create activations, communications, transformations, and shifts through the different chakras, brainwaves, and internal processes (emotional and mental), thus touching, healing, making insightful, and removing layers of our conditioned mental and emotional limitations and stagnation that have occurred over your lifetime (due to traumatic experiences or deeply rooted conditioning). As a result, you will feel a more original energy and with it stronger, more energy, can get visions, and live more from your life energy and make decisions.
During the session, you can have various experiences, such as physical, emotional, visual, or the feeling of ultimate happiness. Your body expressing itself through shocking movements (shaking off blockages), screaming, singing, light language, speaking, crying, time traveling, etc. everything that wants to be seen and where you make contact will be experienced. The simple reason: because you want to experience who you are now but more importantly who you really are originally. The immeasurable power, primal source of love, energy, and creative power.